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Avoid Raising a Lazy Child - Our Top 6 Tips

Posted by Valerie Sterling on

Avoid Raising a Lazy Child - Our Top 6 Tips

It can be a persistent cause of parental frustrations and anxieties when your child is “lazy”.  When he's not at school, he spends the entire day on his device. He doesn't appear to care about his schoolwork. This is understandably frightening for any parent.

A lazy child could develop habits that grow up to them becoming a lazy adult if he or she avoids tasks that require effort or hard work. And parents are fully aware that a lazy attitude in the real world does not bode well.

So, what are your options? It's not too late, don't worry.


1.) Encourage physical activity

Even if your child isn't naturally inclined to be active, by constant encouragement, he could develop liking a physical activity and later on, actually enjoy it. During weekends, spend time with your child and be physically active…jog together, play throw and catch ball, or even just walk the dog. 


2.) Discover your child's passions and abilities

Are you having trouble motivating your child to do well in school? "Interest is the starting point for motivation. Where there is interest, there is curiosity and a desire to learn, to know more,” says Dr. Barish. “If you look hard enough, you will find in your child some interest — and a desire to do well.

Remember that your child has his own interests, which may or may not coincide with yours.


3.) Let your child do it

Your child wants his favorite Stuffed Animal but couldn’t find it. Do you offer to look it up for him? If your child is capable of doing it, then let him do it. Teach your kids to be responsible. If you constantly do things for your kids rather than teaching them, you are training them to become lazy and irresponsible. 


4.) Give age-appropriate chores

Give your child chores based on his or her age

Don't just assume he knows the tasks or responsibilities. Take time to explain and demonstrate if necessary

The time and effort you put into educating your child how to do things correctly will pay off in the long run, not only in housework but in other areas of life. Set deadlines and expectations This will ensure that the work is completed on time.


 5. Set a good example.

The big secret behind children's actions is "do as I do."

Even if you don't tell your child to copy you, he or she will often do so, whether it's for good or bad reasons. What children see is what they learn. As a result, if you want your child to be responsible for her homework or household chores, show her how you handle them. Set a good example.

No matter how busy you are, let your child see a role model in you and be consistent at it. You can’t sit on the and browse Instagram when there are many house chores yet undone and expect your child to get things done on time.

6.) Reward favorable behavior

Learning to support and congratulate your child when he or she succeeds is a powerful motivator that will inspire him or her to strive for greater success. Discover what inspires your child and utilize it as a powerful tool for instilling responsibility.

Recognize every small effort put in to get the job done. Show your appreciation by rewarding him or her a Personalized CD or a Singing Stuffed Animal that plays his or her favorite song. It will surely motivate her to take on more responsibilities. 


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